‘Sunkissed Sweetness’ et al

by Marisa Candace Rheem Macklin

Marisa Candace Rheem Macklin is a Contemporary Figurative Painter born in 1989 in Washington D.C.. Born in 1989 in Washington D.C., she currently works out of her studio in Sonoma County, CA. In 2014, she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Arts from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM, and since graduation has worked in fine art galleries for 9 years. Marisa has received awards for her paintings and has had her artwork displayed in multiple juried group shows, and public collections, as well as, four solo shows, and two museum shows. Her mediums are acrylic paint and slow-dry blending medium. This medium enhances the depth and intensity of the paint while increasing the transparency which allows her to build up several thin layers of unique colors to create rich, dynamic relationships. Her subject matter is centralized around the human figure with an added compulsion to paint fabric. Presented behind these figures are usually vibrant environments or landscapes where the viewer can discover hidden details.


Yesterday’s Tomorrow


No to Impunity