Imprisoned In Time: Oxidation
by Artie Hinz
“Deep within us lies a tension between the desire for freedom and the shackles of time. My project “Imprisoned in Time: Oxidation” visually represents this conflict. An ancient Greek figure made of aged foam symbolizes the quest for the ideal while reflecting vulnerability and frailty. Caged in a rusting metal frame in Japanese shibari, this image embodies the weight of existence, reminding us how our lives become victims of the inexorable flow of time. Thus, my work encourages viewers to contemplate their own constraints. How do we navigate our relationship with time? In recognizing our captivity, we might uncover the nuances of our existence, revealing that within the limits imposed by time lies the potential for true individuality and meaning.”
Artie Hinz is an accomplished designer, art director, and model with over 7 years of experience in 3D and motion design. Based in Calgary, he combines cutting-edge technology with creative storytelling, recently earning a Motion Design Award nomination. His work explores themes of digital distortion and reality manipulation.